Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ms Sim + Origins of SPAM + Electricity

Hope you are all having a nice, relaxing Sunday! Today, Sir Fong continues with Ms Sim, the relief teacher. Ms Sim is a composite of a few really pretty teachers in school, one had left RI, the others are still pretty and pretty inspiring. :)

Starting this week, I will be posting a Sir Fong 2 Special. I was giving a few classes remedials for the Final Exam, and I discovered that some students are still quite unsure of what electricity is about. I hope this set of Sir Fong will help you appreciate some basic stuff about the powerful little electrons that enable your computers, handphones and mp3 players. Without them, Maple Story, World of Warcraft and Utube will not be possible! So do drop by in between preparing for your exam and read about Electricity!

Here's another hilarious Monty Python skit on Utube.

This, my friends, was what inspired computer geeks to call email junk mails 'SPAM'.

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Cover of Sir Fong 2

Cover of Sir Fong 2