Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy 2008 + Buddy Buddy p23 + p24

Yesterday I was working on my comic at home when the door bell rang. Outside, a whole class of Radin Mas Primary School kids greeted me with their teacher, and handed me a beautifully-drawn card and two Mandarin oranges. It's a brilliant idea - to teach the kids to reach out to the community around them. That's certainly different from the usual 'celebration in the school hall', and I'm very happy someone from Radin Mas thought of that!

Happy 2008 to all of us! May the Year of the Rat brings us greatness and commitment to our community and world!

Announcement: The next post of Buddy Buddy will be on the 12th of Feb. I'll be overseas for some recce.


Anonymous said...

Happy Chinese new year

otto fong said...

Happy New Year, Mister A!

Cover of Sir Fong 2

Cover of Sir Fong 2