Friday, August 10, 2007


What were eunuchs? In one significant way they were like your pet male dog or cat: neutered to prevent them from causing unwanted pregnancies. Except eunuchs were humans.
You can ask your History teachers more about eunuchs. In Singapore history, Admiral Cheng Ho was the most famous eunuch. He hailed from China and was instrumental in Chinese settling into S.E. Asia. In a way, all S.E. Asian Chinese are his descendents. He was a great man.
Spiritually, Cheng Ho had more balls than a golf course pond.
This strip was inspired by Wong Tuck Wai (aka Tucky) and Daniel Ng, two wonderful Monkey batch students. May they continue to inspire those around them wherever they go!


Anonymous said...

sir,did it really happen(daniel and tucky incident) cause things like that seriously happen in my class.

otto fong said...

Yes, it did happen. Tucky shouted, "sir, he kicked my balls!"

Daniel says, "he disturb me mah!"

I told them the sensitive areas cannot be kicked. Damage can be serious. Then I imagined I'd tell them about Cheng Ho, but didn't. But I drew it down. One teacher says, "that's so disturbing."


Cover of Sir Fong 2

Cover of Sir Fong 2