After the whirlwind of promotion at Takashimaya and Kinokuniya (see pictures below), I invested some time and money towards self-improvement. Organised by the NBDCS (National Book Development Council of Singapore), a Boot Camp on Digital Storytelling taught me how to create a short story using photo stills, voice-over and simple home computer editing software like Windows Media Maker and Audacity. Yup, no longer do we restrict our stories to words and paper.
My fabulous coaches, Denise Atchley and Leslie Rule, reminded me the importance of keeping it short and keeping the story King.
The Youtube video was the result!
I have always benefited from the events organised by various civil services. Afterall, my first big break was winning the 2000 Toon Craze Toon Grace organised by CDC (Community Development Council). And I just want you all to know that Singapore's Civil Services are really something we can be proud of.