Monday, June 30, 2008

All 300 copies SOLD!

A Science teacher who bought a copy on Saturday told me her son was reciting from the book, and ordered 5 more for her colleagues. Another Science teacher ordered 15! A HOD ordered 5 for his school's library. Many parents loved the Science of the book, while their kids loved the bunnies!

One thing shone through: the love and concern of parents for their kids' education and happiness. My own mom stood with me while my nephew took snapshots that made this video:

By 7pm, we sold all 300 copies that we brought to the convention!

Thank you all for coming to the Convention and stopping by my booth. Thank you all!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

2nd Day at the Convention!

The launch got off to a GREAT start! I was signing 'ottographs' from 11am till 9pm, happily missing lunch and dinner, but surrounded by my family, friends, ex-colleagues and ex-students!

Thank you everyone who came to the launch! Three birthday cakes and three wishes! And I get to meet one of my childhood heroes: Mr Morgan Chua, famed cartoonist who drew for the Far Eastern Economic Review!

Here's some highlight from Day 2 of the Toy and Comic Convention!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Our first day at the convention, with Mr Paul Lim!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

See My New Comic Book!!!

Hi everyone, I just saw my new comic book for the first time!

Here's a short video:

Monday, June 16, 2008


Dear friends, after almost half-a-year of hard work, my new book "Sir Fong's Adventures In Science Book 1" is finally ready!

This is a case of the cosmos aligning. As I start my new company Ottonium Comics, Singapore has its very FIRST Toy and Comic Convention.

For those of you who's familiar with the Sir Fong bunnies, they're here and still up to their usual rampage of humour.

The book combines two of my passions: comics and Science teaching. Since I'd dedicated most of my waking hours to this new comic, there's quite a lot of innovations I'd included into this book.

Why put out a comic book if it looks just like any other comic book in the market?

Hence, every decision I made towards the creation of this book is a breakthrough in my old ways of thinking: switching to full digital drawing, maximising the potential of the book pages (you'll understand when you see the book), choice of paper and stories.

Of course, I never forgot what made Science memorable for students and myself. So some of you might find the stories I covered here nostalgic: yes, Mr Fong spoke to us about it in class x years ago!

There has been many Western comic books on Science, but no Asian ones.

Also, you'll never see Western Science comic books presented like this. Ever.

I'm aiming to draw the best Science comic books not just in Asia, but on this planet.

In x years time, I hope more Asian kids will love Science and want to be Scientists. We'll need good Asian scientists - what with earthquakes, tsunamis, bird flu, AIDs and global warming around us.



I need your help.

A good book without you picking it off the shelf will stay on the shelf.

Come to the convention. Visit me at my booth (F01 - first booth along the local artist alley!) and please, buy a copy of Sir Fong's Adventures In Science Book 1. If you are already done with the topic, buy it for fun, buy it for your younger siblings in primary/secondary school, buy it so people from the region will see how good Singapore comics can be.

See you all there!